Image Positions
by SlRvb
Inspired by Lithou’s Image Flags
# Syntax
⚠ Note: Markdown syntax will need the note to be reopened to see changes.
Wiki Links: ![[Image.png|modifier+modifier|#]]
Example: ![[Image.png|left+pt|200]]
is required after the image extension and before Obsidian’s sizing numbers+
can be anything:![[Image.png|left-pt-sban|200]]
![[Image.png|left pt sban|200]]
# Simplified Version
Optimized for easier comprehension and “quicker” styling
# Positions
, center
, right
# Types
Style of sizing for images.
banner | Expand image to width of the page |
portrait | Larger image height than image’s width |
p.rofile | Width and height of the image are equal |
circle | Round edges of a squared image (best with p.rofile ) |
# Type Sizing
⚠ Note: Obsidian’s number sizing
will not work with these.
Format: ![[Image.png|modifier+size]]
- Banner & Portrait use
sizing - Profile uses
# Customizable Version
Allows for more adjustments to images than the Simplified Version.
# Position & Types
locr | Location Right, float image to right of note |
locl | Location Left, float image to left of note |
ctr | Center image on page |
sban | Banner sets width of image to 100%, height will be adjustable |
cover | Fit image in bounds without stretching |
# Inner Photo Position
Adjustments to target which part of the inside of the image to move around, not the where the image is moved to on a page.
# Basic
Basic | Position |
pt | Top |
pb | Bottom |
pl | Left |
pr | Right |
pc | Center |
# Precise
Format: ![[|p+precise]]
Top | Bottom | Left | Right |
p+ct | p+cb | p+cl | p+cr |
p+cct | p+ccb | ||
p+tc | p+bc | ||
p+tcc | p+bcc |
# Sizing
Height | Width | PX |
hmicro | wmicro | 70 |
htiny | wtiny | 100 |
hsmall | wsmall | 200 |
hs-med | ws-med | 300 |
hm-sm | wm-sm | 400 |
hmed | wmed | 500 |
hm-tl | wm-tl | 600 |
htall | wtall | 700 |
# Extras
Uses some of the Auto-Adaptive Images snippet with slightly different synax.
invertw | Flip image colors of white lined images |
invertb | Flip image colors of dark lined images |
invertwc | Flip image colors of white lined images |
invertbc | Flip image colors of dark lined images |
clear | Image will sit below another image if it’s on the same side |